Full-Time Student at Toronto High School

If you are interested in enrolling or transferring your academic studies to Toronto High School, we offer full-time programs for both current high school and mature students in class or online. We provide carefully structured courses and programs that are built towards obtaining the Ontario Secondary School Diploma as well as the successful advancement into postsecondary institutions in Canada and worldwide. As a full-time student at Toronto High School, not only will you be exposed to a dynamic and enriching learning environment, but also have ready access to individualized counselling and guidance to assist in directing your academic path. Upon graduation from our full-time program, students will be issued an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and an Ontario Student Transcript (OST).

Definition of Full-time study by Citizenship and Immigration Canada:

Study schedule with a minimum number of hours (15 hours) of instruction per week during the academic year, including any period of training in the workplace that is part of the student’s studies.

At Toronto High School, students must take at least 3 subjects per semester (16.5 hours per week) in order to be considered a full-time student.